Thursday, April 8, 2010

Yang pergi tetap pergi

bosan la plk kn,
aku mmg x reti nk berkarang la,

ok 6hb april aritu aku rse ulang tahun kematian mending kurt cobain,
suicide ke homocide ke bipolar suicide ke aku x tahu, tuhan je tahu, tp pd aku dye seorang hero dlm fahaman muzik aku, dlm hidup, dye byk sengsara secara langsung dan tak langsung, erm,,aku mls la nk cite psl kurt byk2, perginye dye, mninggalkn seorang balu,courtney love, dan seorang ank perempuan,Frances bean cobain, aku rse...ermm....

klau nk tau, ank hasil dorg cantik n hot tau...hhahah, ade iras2 bapak dye,

aku ade bce 1 ayat nie,

Every time you buy a Nirvana record, part of that money is not going to Kurt’’s child, or to me, it’’s going to a handful of Jew loan officers, Jew private banks, it’’s going to lawyers who are also bankers . . . the New York Post quoted her(courtney love) as saying.


anyway, pada hari jumaat yg lepas jugak, aku hilang lg seorang hero,
yg slalu buat kite ketawa sorg2..

Al-Fatihah to Mior Ahmad Fuad Mior Badri, 44( Din beramboi)


Kucai said...

aku beli cd nirvana pirate punya.. kat pasar malam.. rm5. duit aku pegi kat cina jual cd pirate, bukan yahudi kan?.

Jadi,belilah yang pirate. Tak pun download je..

Faizal Nasir said...

Radiohead's Ed O'Brien has hit out at claims that piracy is killing the music industry.

Expressing his thoughts on the situation the guitarist explained that, while pirates might not purchase music, they are still putting money into the industry.

"I have a problem when people in the industry say 'it's killing the industry, it's the thing that's ripping us apart'," O'Brien


cik mangkok said...

waa...da rajin update blog ek...